American Civil War 2021


by David S. Kelley

I have been conflicted as an American Patriot as to whether or not we will have another civil war. American brother and sister against American brother and sister.

What I have come to realize is that civil war is coming. Sooner than I would like to believe. And it will not be American brother and sister against American brother and sister. Because half the population in America – hates America.

This coming “hot” war is exactly what conservatives have said it would be since World War II, the Democrats who have turned into Socialists who are actually Communists who say they are just Progressives. As David Horowitz states, “Inside every progressive is a Totalitarian screaming to get out.”

As my friend Randon pointedly out recently, “liberals do not care if they lose at the voting booth. They will protest and throw things like a spoiled child until they get what they want. They will use cancel culture, make a scene at a store or business, use social media to their advantage. Call everyone racist that disagrees with them, and threaten people’s lives and careers if they don’t succumb to their ideological extremes.”

America’s enemy is not afraid to push the boundaries on human decency anymore. They have learned, developed, and deployed their tactics against American, conservative values for decades, chipping away at not only our Constitution but also our human morality.

Our lack of accountability comes from several failures we have had direct control over and have not exerted; discipline within our homes, discipline within our churches, discipline within our educational institutions, discipline within our places of business/employment, and discipline for our elected/appointed representatives.

We are now a country with two distinct parties of representation, Patriots and Traitors. The traitors have had decades to indoctrinate, infiltrate and now lead every institution we assumed would remain true to the Constitution and American values, even though we neglected to properly provide oversight for their integrity.

The tradition of the Cabinet dates back to the beginnings of the Presidency itself. Established in Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, the Cabinet’s role is to advise the President on any subject he may require relating to the duties of each member’s respective office:

The Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Justice, Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, and Veterans Affairs.

The following have the status of Cabinet-rank: Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Management & Budget, U.S. Trade Representative, U.S. Mission to the United Nations, Council of Economic Advisers, and the Small Business Administration.

Think about how deeply we have been betrayed by the many individuals within these institutions and the agencies under them. Now add the Legislative and Judicial branches of government. Then add all the business entities that have betrayed our Nation.

How many times have you heard these institutions (agencies) directly undermine (lie, cheat & steal) or flat out reject the rule of law as defined by our Constitution?

Now, Patriots find themselves in the position of having no alternative choices for a peaceful resolution to our differences. The Traitors are not going to give up their power, and the Patriots are not going to accept their lying, cheating, or stealing of everything that makes us American anymore. Our differences are incompatible for coexistence.

We cannot continue as we are. Secession is not feasible. Surrender is not an option.

Therefore, both sides have to fight to the death of the other to exist in the future. Israel understands this mentality intimately.

As much as I pray to Providence that we can resolve these issues peacefully, I know from the bible and history that to defeat evil is more than just a spiritual task. The evil within man must be defeated with a mentality of righteousness for mankind and the physical strength from the sharpness of the sword.

Generations have fought this battle in the past, and now we must fight this battle for our future.

David S. Kelley

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