Anarchy in George Gascon’s Los Angeles


Flash mob in George Gascon’s LA at a 7 11

A “flash mob” of looters ransacked a 7-Eleven in Los Angeles earlier this week — making off with everything they could get their hands on. They appeared to have damaged anything that got in their way.

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Video clips released by Los Angeles police show dozens of people grabbing various items as they tore through the chain store Monday after midnight in the Harbor Gateway section of the city. Many of the looters didn’t even bother to cover their faces.

Part of the footage shows the mob behind the counter vacated by 7-Eleven employees and flinging items toward a pack of people on the other side.

District Attorney George Gascon, an ally of George Soros’s, will not prosecute crimes in anything approaching a civilized manner. As a result, we see anarchy in LA that will only worsen. The nonsensical view that black people are allowed to commit crimes with little or no repercussions hurts everyone.

Just so you know, Gascon boasts of convincing Soros to buy DA races. Soros is a far-left ideologue.

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