Another Actor Who Hates America


Walter White – actor Bryan Cranston – thinks Make America Great Again is a racist slogan. That’s lunacy. It gets better; he compared the history of the United States to Nazi Germany.

He thinks it’s imperative the [anti-white] Critical Race Theory is taught. Cranston seems to think Americans were equivalent to Nazis due to the 89 years of slavery, a Democrat movement, and perhaps Jim Crow, Democrat laws.

While we agree that black Americans have had a terrible, unjust history in the United States, it doesn’t mean America can’t be great again. The expression refers to the values in our Constitution and Declaration of Independence. It refers to the Civil War we fought to end slavery. America was great when it fought to destroy Hitler and the Nazis in World War II.

To only look at America through a racist prism is also unfair and hateful. We can’t get better making victims out of black people.

No one is calling for slavery or Jim Crow. It’s an absurd interpretation.

Cranston picked that nonsensical view up somewhere and runs with it. Bill O’Reilly said the same thing. It’s not what the slogan means.

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