Anti-Semite and Anti-American Rep. Ilhan Omar tweeted that the tensions escalated by Iran, the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism, is Trump’s fault. She wants him to immediately reinstate the deal.
She is actually supporting the enemy in public.
None of this would be happening if Trump didn’t back out of the Iran nuclear deal.
America’s response should be to return to the table and reinstate the Iran nuclear deal.
Increasing tensions and threats of war serve nobody’s interests.
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) June 17, 2019
There is no way in the world they should have been able to reconstitute this quickly. It verifies claims that the nuke deal was so bad it left them within months of developing nuclear weapons. It confirms the nuke deal was a failure.
Barack Obama actually funded these terrorists now threatening a critical shipping lane.
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They are capable of producing nuclear weapons now instead of six years from now, so it’s hard to see what the difference is. And in six years, they would have been more formidable.
She was slammed on Twitter. It was a veritable smackdown. There were some supportive comments, but they were few and far between.
Dear Ilhan, once again it appears you have sided with an Islamic State over your own (adopted) country. And, by the way, it’s “President Trump.” At least show respect for the Office of the President of the United States. Remember your oath of citizenship and your oath of office.
— Montgomery Granger (@mjgranger1) June 18, 2019
She’s so rude and disrespectful… I have NO regard for her. Deport. She’s here illegally and a tax cheat and a fraud.
— TenNamesLater (@TenNamesLater) June 18, 2019
You are truly delusional Ilhan. Iran has been the largest state sponsor of terrorism for decades & bhusseino gave them $150 billion to fund more terrorism. Please get a clue!
— Steve Veling (@steveveling) June 18, 2019
The previous statement was brought to you by CAIR.
— Brian Ritchie (@Barnyard668) June 18, 2019
The Iran ‘deal’ was a disaster. Obama and Kerry belong in Guantanamo.
— Peter Dickerson (@Peter_Dickerson) June 18, 2019
They said they would listen if other countries attack us sanctions…it’s a ploy they never followed the deal
— Sjmaliz (@sjmaliz) June 17, 2019
an inevitable faceoff whether Iran is confronted now or in the future. the only difference is it is certainly easier now like it was easier before 2011, and likewise before 2003 Iraq invasion. despite why Trump decided to pull out from the deal, it is honestly the right decision.
— Rasha Aljoundy (@RashaAljoundy) June 18, 2019
Um Iran never signed the deal. So WTF are you even talking about?
— JohnStow🔔 (@SleepingGiant16) June 18, 2019