Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, for all her ranting and crying over the children allegedly in cages under the Trump administration, isn’t concerned about them any longer. You won’t see her tearful on the border under a Biden administration.
What she cares about are adults at Amazon who whine about their working conditions. They want to unionize Amazon. Leftists don’t like big corporations, especially if they aren’t unionized.
She claims the conditions there are “dangerous” and “performance pressure” is so intense that it’s common for people to “defecate in bags.”
AOC is renowned for her lying ability, but it’s hard to believe that comment will pass muster.
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While she is slamming Amazon on behalf of some adults, she is also ignoring the horrendous conditions for children at the border. She doesn’t seem to care a whit that these children are being sexually abused.
AOC doesn’t care about 500 little children stuffed into pods designed for 80 people for 10 to 12 weeks. What she cares about are whiney adults.
A loved one of mine worked Amazon delivery last year & left because that’s how dangerous it felt to them working for a company that also puts so much performance pressure on their workers that defecating in bags is a common enough occurrence that there are internal memos about it
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 30, 2021
According to open borders Alexandria, the problem with the border is WHITE SUPREMACy and IMPERIALISM.
Her comment in the clip below:
They wanna say ‘what about the surge?’. Well, first of all, just gut check, STOP. Anyone who’s using the term ‘surge’ around you consciously is trying to invoke a militaristic frame and that’s a problem.
Because this is not a surge, these are children and they are not insurgents. And we are not being invaded. Which, by the way, is a white supremacist idea philosophy. The idea that if an ‘other’ is coming in the population, that this is like an invasion of who we are.
Who has ever put it in a “militaristic frame?” She’s also lying about it not being a surge. in one day on Monday, 5,000 unaccompanied children came in illegally.
It isn’t only children as she says in the clip — 80% are adult men pouring in.
Under Trump, the conditions were “concentration camps,” but under Biden it’s imperialistic to think there is a problem.
.@AOC summing up the systemic problems in our immigration system in a minute and a half.
— Sawyer Hackett (@SawyerHackett) March 31, 2021
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