AP’s trip to 1984: loading the Court with leftists is de-politicizing


 “War is peace. Freedom is slavery.  Ignorance is strength.”

The media, starting with the Associated Press, is the enemy of the people. I had trouble believing they were but they are intent on proving it. Media is now outright lying and gaslighting daily.

The AP rolled out the latest Newspeak today as introduced by Joe Biden and iterated by Chris Coons today on a Sunday news show.

Packing the Court isn’t adding Justices. No, according to Democrats, it’s filling a vacancy. Filling a vacancy according to the Constitution is now called ‘packing’ by Democrats.

The Democrats, which includes the Democrat media, are so desperate and manipulative that they hope to make people believe a vacancy in the court — that gives the right a slight edge in the Court for the first time in decades — is packing the Court.

Their solution shouldn’t surprise you — it’s to pack the Court. They would politicize it and call it ‘de-politicizing.’

“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”

Democrats plan to subvert the rule of law by transforming the Supreme Court into another legislative body via the addition of new leftist judgeships. It would make the Court a political legislative body.

Keep in mind that the Supreme Court is the only branch of government that serves to protect our liberties. They would destroy it, and with it, the Republic. Forget your free speech rights, your religious rights, your guns, and that’s only the beginning.

Democrats plan to burn it all down.

This is the line in the AP article that they wanted us to buy into:

“[Gov. and Sen. candidate Steve Bullock (D-MT)] said that if Coney Barrett was confirmed, he would be open to measures to depoliticize the court, including adding judges to the bench, a practice critics have dubbed packing the courts,” reads the original, gaslit AP story.

When Republicans blasted them, they removed the sentence.

This is the correction: “This story has been edited to make clear that it is Bullock’s opinion, rather than a fact, that adding justices to the Supreme Court would depoliticize the court,” reads the ‘corrected’ Orwellian story.


Twitter is one with the AP. They have just put in new speech codes weeks before the election so please go directly to the websites you like.

Pretending to stop “misinformation,” Twitter announced on Friday that the tech giant is implementing temporary speech codes that will last until Americans cast their ballots.

Starting Oct. 20, users will be required to add comments before being allowed to retweet posts (speech) – they will be sent to tweet composers [re-education camp].

The goal of the new speech codes is to slow the spread of certain speech before election day. They will have prompts, warnings, restrictions, and won’t let you move on until you click them. They will bury certain tweets so be sure to write down the names of Twitter users you want to visit.

There is more — here. They are obviously interfering in the election. FB is planning a similar interference. They’ve already begun.

Along these lines, do you remember this tweet by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey:

The article he links to is shocking. It promotes a Civil War because the one side – the [hard-left] Democrats — must win. They are at war with the right and normal liberals but only one side is fighting.

As Tom Bevan says, here comes the Orwellian definition of ‘de-politicizing”:

“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”

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