Art Laffer: “this administration should be ashamed of what they’re doing”


Art Laffer, an American economist and author who first gained prominence during the Reagan administration as a member of Reagan’s Economic Policy Advisory Board, spoke about the state of affairs on Fox Business on Monday.

He said the election has been a disaster for this country.

As he said, in terms of global warming, “Global restrictions on oil don’t help us and we make it much cleaner than any other country does. They’re substituting clean oil for bad oil and polluted oil.”

“So global warmers should be terrified by this as well.” It’s a “lose, lose, lose policy, and this administration should be ashamed of what they’re doing.”

Laffer said elections have consequences and he “can think of nothing more consequential than losing our energy independence.” He said it was a “magnificent achievement for a magnificent country as we are. That was terrible. To give that up willy-nilly. Just to overturn it because of some pie-in-the-sky desire.”

He also talked about the economic consequences. It’s destroying our sound economy.


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