Awesome! Bloomberg’s plan for the WH is to turn it into a cubicle esports arena


Outside of New York, it’s hard to imagine anyone voting for Democrat candidate Michael Bloomberg. As former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said on ‘This Week’ this past Sunday, never has any candidate spent so much for so little gain.

Bloomberg is delusionally planning for success just the same. He sent Politico an email sharing his big plans for his campaign.

He’s taking over the 8th floor of the Old New York Times building. (Jared Kushner owns the first six floors of the building.) There will be an open layout with a desk out in the open for Bloomberg, a move in keeping with his ethos as a businessman and mayor. He will have countdown clocks too.

Boomer also shared his plans if he wins the presidency, should all the other candidates quit or die.

Bloomberg’s mock-up of the White House’ historic East Room should he become President

He will turn the White House into an “open office environment,” and will only use the Oval Office for “some official functions.”

Walls will be gone and there will be a cubicle hell in place of offices.

“Walls just get in the way, by stifling communication and making collaboration more difficult. Some people like to build walls. I like to tear them down,” Bloomberg reportedly stated, in an apparent dig at President Trump.

Sure, Boomer, this way you can spy on all your employees non-stop.

Cubicles are his big idea! He will make the East Room into a room full of cubicles and use the Oval Office rarely — just for some official functions.

“In sports, the coach or manager is right there with the players, giving directions, drawing on whiteboards, huddling during timeouts, motivating and inspiring — and picking someone up when they’ve made a mistake,” he wrote, adding another unsubtle dig at Donald Trump. “Managers in every organization should be performing those same roles. Walls just get in the way, by stifling communication and making collaboration more difficult. Some people like to build walls. I like to tear them down.

Awesome! Maybe he could start a social credits system like Red China while he’s at it.


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