AZ AG Officially Demands “Full Report” of Maricopa Election Violations


Arizona AG Mark Brnovich’s office demanded in a letter to Maricopa County dated November 19th that they provide “a full report” on “issues related to the administration of the 2022 General Election.” They are concerned that statements by Chairman Gates and Recorder Stephen Richer appear “to confirm potential statutory violations.” [Gates and Richer are anti-MAGAs.]

In a letter authored by Assistant AG Jennifer Wright, the Election Integrity Unit “hereby requests Maricopa formally respond to and address the following concerns that have been raised.”

They want a response before 11/28/22.


“These complaints go beyond pure speculation, but include first-hand witness accounts that raise concerns regarding Maricopa’s lawful compliance with Arizona election law,” the Letter to Maricopa County states.

“Furthermore, statements made by both Chairman Gates and Recorder Richer, along with information Maricopa County released through official modes of communication appear to confirm potential statutory violations of title 16,” the letter continues.

The letter demands a detailed accounting of major potential violations. It includes:

  • Election Day Ballot-on-Demand Printer Configuration Settings;
  • Election Day “Check-out” Procedures;
  • Ballots Deposited in Door 3 and Statutorily Required Election Board Close Out Duties.
About Door 3

“Maricopa County appears to have failed to adhere to the statutory guidelines in segregating, counting, tabulating, tallying, and transporting the “Door 3” ballots.”

In “some voting locations, ‘Door 3’ non-tabulated ballots were commingled with tabulated ballots…”

Violations in Check-Out Procedures

The Elections Integrity Unit will also look into election day “check-out” procedures. Affected voters received provisional ballots or instructions to go to another polling location.

The unit also requests a detailed report on poll worker training regarding check-out procedures. They want to know the “legal basis” for these procedures.

The unit also wants to know “why Maricopa continued to publicly encourage voters to leave a voting location after having been notified … that poll workers appeared to be improperly trained on ‘check-out’ procedures.”

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