The British Broadcasting Corporation has yet another certifiable anti-white, anti-Semitic employee. This one beats all. She used to be a Disney employee and worked for A&E and UKTV. Her name is Dawn Queva, and she is the Senior Scheduling Coordinator and Playout Planner at BBC Three. It’s the BBC youth channel, ages 16 to 34.
The new BBC find also goes by the name Dawn Las Quevas–Allen. She’s another oppressed minority lashing out at all of us oppressors. Dawn is so oppressed that she keeps getting high-paying jobs many of us would die to have.
The British Bolshevik Corporation sure can pick ’em.
According to Deadline, she calls the UK, the bigoted UKKK, refers to the holohoax, calls Jewish people Nazi apartheid parasites, and white people a virus. America is the KKK, and Americans are squatters on stolen land.
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Dawn also said Samuel Kasamu (PM’s former ethnic minority advisor) was a “buck dancing house slave.”
The woman is a lunatic leftist demon.
The New York Post noted Queva also repeatedly took aim at white people, to whom she referred as a “virus” and a “mutant invader species.” The Telegraph reported in another update, she wrote that white people were a “barbaric bloodthirsty rapacious murderous genocidal thieving parasitical deviant breed.”
White people don’t have melanin, which is why we’re so inferior. To be precise, “White Europeans are “melanin recessive parasites.”
She’s perfectly serious. Seemingly, in response to people’s negative reactions to her bizarre and hateful comments, she wrote, “Only those who live a lie hate the truth!”
She has a slew of conspiracy threads and spreads them around WhatsApp after October 7; just search her name on X.
Why would they hire her? What is the atmosphere like at the BBC? She’s so crazy, she’s almost funny. Newsbusters has more.
Since I tweeted this earlier Saturday afternoon, former BBC colleagues have contacted me to say it’s “grim” and “frightening” to be Jewish at the BBC at the moment. Grim and frightening. At our national broadcaster. In 2024. I can’t think of anything more shameful. Or depressing.…
— Andrew Neil (@afneil) February 3, 2024
BBC executive of the their “youth” channel, and also a past Disney executive says that jewish people are Nazis and ‘parasites,’ and white people are a virus.
She also called the UK and America the KKK and that we are squatters on stolen land.
Thought here… Are the UK and US…
— Bad Kitty Unleashed (@pepesgrandma) February 3, 2024
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