Bernie’s in the lead in Nevada & might be unstoppable


Bernie Sanders is drawing large crowds and Democrats are expressing concerns. Currently, he is in the lead in Nevada. The best Democrats can hope for is Bernie comes in second or third.

“It is becoming a source of celebration for Sanders’ supporters and an urgent problem for those who want to prevent him from claiming the nomination,” Politico reported.

“He’s going to win with 28 percent of the vote. We’re not talking about him getting 50 percent of the vote,” said Andres Ramirez, a Nevada-based Democratic strategist and former vice-chairman of the Democratic National Committee’s Hispanic Caucus. “But the rest of the field is so fragmented, and he has his base locked, that he can continue winning just by holding onto his base.”

The candidate who polled well in New Hampshire and Iowa, Pete Buttigieg, is not polling well in Nevada.

“The carousel of rising and falling centrists is pushing Sanders ahead,” Politico reported. They are seemingly unaware of the fact that they have no centrists. They all promote radical policies, like giving free healthcare and college to illegal aliens.

Obama’s allegedly concerned but reportedly, his concern is that Bernie isn’t electable. The fact that he’s a socialist [communist] is not a problem for him. He will support whoever the party nominates.

Democrats are afraid Bernie could be unstoppable. In Nevada, he has 25% of the vote and second to him is Joe Biden at 18% according to the latest polls. Bernie has a narrow lead in Texas.

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