Beyond All Reason: NYC Teacher’s Union Holds Course on “Harmful Effects of Whiteness”


The New York City teachers union is sponsoring a virtual workshop on fighting back against the “harmful effects of whiteness in our lives.”

Racism against whites is okay in New York City. The United Federation of Teachers is a racist union.

The online seminar, “Holding the Weight on Whiteness,” is scheduled for Monday, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. It will be hosted by Queens-based psychotherapy consultant and self-proclaimed “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Leader” Erica Sandoval.

UFT members who are licensed mental health professionals can earn two hours of credit toward their continuing education credentials. They will also get a raise!

They’re Teaching Racism to Stop Racism?

They are taking care of children’s mental health, and they are going to tell “LatinX/e” how to deal with “white identity” and “white privilege?” Is the goal to hurt children and teach to be racist?

“Participants will leave the workshop with a better understanding of how to center ourselves as a form of resistance against the harmful effects of whiteness in our lives, the organizations we work for or direct, and the communities in which we serve,” the post says.

Imagine if they offered a course on the harmful effects of blackness or browness or ‘LatinX’ gangs? We could complete the course with a tour of Harlem at 10 O’Clock at night.

The course will also teach about the harm from microaggressions.

This is the cultural revolution meant to destroy white European and Christian cultures. There must be a lot of hate behind this.

A social worker told people not to comply:

Singling out whites as racist is agenda-driven, not reality.

Evil, unAmerican people run the UFT:

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