Biden Helps World’s Worst Dictators Establish Their NWO


Joe Biden appeases Vincent Maduro, enabling the world’s worst dictators to realign and strengthen on our southern border while our borders are wide open. Biden lifted sanctions against Venezuela after he lifted financial, travel, and migration rules for Cuba. While all this is going on, Venezuela deepened cooperation with Iran and Turkey, according to German News.

This all has massive repercussions well beyond Biden’s stated goals of sanctioning Russia over the war with Ukraine.


According to two senior U.S. government sources, the new guidelines will allow Chevron Corp. to enter negotiations with Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA – although the oil giant will still be prohibited from drilling for oil in Venezuelan territory, the AP reported.

Biden doesn’t want any Americans drilling for fossil fuels anywhere. Venezuela can drill and send it to us at exorbitant rates.

As a favor, Biden’s lifting sanctions on a reportedly bad dude, Carlos Erik Malpica-Flores, a former high-ranking PDVSA official and nephew of Maduro’s wife, Cilia Flores. He will be removed from the U.S.’ list of sanctioned individuals.

Spurred on by this and the lifting of sanctions on Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, Iran, Cuba, and Turkey are forming a new powerhouse – a new world order of evil dictators.

“Biden continues his effort to appease anti-American communist dictators,” Florida Senator Marco Rubio wrote on Twitter. “Yesterday it was Cuba, now today Biden will announce removing sanctions on the Maduro regime in Venezuela,” he added.

Faking a Reason

Senior Biden officials traveled to Venezuela earlier this year to offer relief from sanctions for oil we could drill ourselves. Ironically, Bidenistas thought this would isolate Russia from its South American counterparts.

Rubio warned that the Biden Administration had made a “ridiculous, dangerous and shameful offer” to the regime.

“The offer is this: The United States is willing to lift sanctions against Venezuela and against Maduro, if he is willing to sell us oil and if he announces a future date for negotiations with the opposition,” the senator explained in a statement shared on his Twitter account.

It Was Never About Russia and Ukraine

The senator stated the obvious — Biden’s offer has nothing to do with the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, since from the beginning, “this Administration sought to settle with Maduro and seeks to settle with Cuba.”

“That’s why Maduro wanted Biden to enter the White House, knowing that, eventually, he was going to come to some kind of arrangement, and it is a betrayal of those who have opposed Maduro, who have marched in the streets, who have sacrificed so much, who have suffered so much and who have lost so much,” Rubio added after the surprise visit to Venezuela by Biden’s officials.

At the same time, Venezuela is deepening its cooperation with Iran and our alleged NATO ally, Turkey.

RFI Reports

Maduro, speaking at a joint news conference in the Iranian capital, said the cooperation covered the energy and financial sectors as well as “work together on defence projects”.

Alongside the likes of Russia, China, Cuba, and Turkey, Iran is one of Venezuela’s main allies. And like Venezuela it is subject to tough US sanctions.

“Venezuela has passed hard years but the determination of the people, the officials, and the president of the country was that they should resist the sanctions,” Raisi said during the news conference, quoted by state television.

“This is a good sign that proves to everyone that resistance will work and will force the enemy to retreat,” the Iranian president added.

In addition to the 20-year accord inked by the two countries’ foreign ministers, “Iran and Venezuela signed documents on cooperation in the political, cultural, tourism, economic, oil and petrochemical fields,” state news agency IRNA said.

“We have important projects of cooperation between Iran and Venezuela in the fields of energy, petrochemical, oil, gas, and refineries,” Maduro said.

Two days ago, The Jerusalem Post analyzed the situation of cooperation between Venezuela and Turkey.

“Turkey sees the thuggish authoritarian regime of Maduro in Caracas as an ally because Ankara has become a key ally of authoritarian and extremist regimes all over the world,” the Post reports.

Ankara preaches “reconciliation” with Israel while threatening Greece and Kurds in Syria. Ankara is also undermining NATO and working closely with Russia. As MSN says, it points to Ankara wanting to maneuver outside NATO and other countries working closely with the US.

Venezuela is pumping up tourism with Iran and Turkey.

Biden’s actions have the unfree world on the march. Biden is fine with dictators and enables them undoubtedly with the guidance of Barack Obama and George Soros standing behind the curtain.

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