Treason? Biden Is Violating US Sovereignty, Aiding Terrorists, Criminals, Losing Children


At least a few people are calling out Joe Biden’s treason. He broke the law on the border, violating our sovereignty, “forgiving” college loans, and probably influence peddling. It’s a mystery why Republicans aren’t going after his current egregious crimes, primarily opening the border.

After playing a clip of Mark Levin calling Joe Biden and his administration traitors, Fox Business host Larry Kudlow asked Marjorie Taylor Greene what she thought.

“I completely agree with Mark. He’s 100% right, and I have articles of impeachment I’ve already introduced against Joe Biden specifically for his willingness to break our country’s border laws.

“And now with the height of the invasion that’s happening every single day to the point where they’re actually pulling Federal Bureau of prison employees, TSA workers, they’re pulling everybody out of the federal agencies to go down there and help Border Patrol agents.

“They’re completely overwhelmed by the thousands and thousands of people pouring across the border every single day, Larry. It’s to the point we have to impeach Joe Biden.

“If we don’t impeach Joe Biden, we have got to start talking about a very serious word, and I’m going to call it treason. This administration is guilty of treason because over 10 million people have poured across our border. And there’s over 1.8 million gotaways, with terrorists, criminals, rapists, murderers, child predators, and child sex traffickers, drug traffickers, cartel, and God knows who else.

“Larry, it is outrageous they need to send the US military down there to defend our border because that is the constitutional duty of the federal government. But Joe Biden should be impeached and we should start talking about you know, it’s just I mean, the aiding and abetting of people coming in illegally from terrorist countries or terrorist-sponsored countries is a big deal. The Bidens may not think it’s a big deal but most of the rest of us think it’s a very big deal.”

Larry Kudlow called it a dereliction of duty.

Greene said, “He’s beyond dereliction of duty. It’s gotten to the point where you can’t deny these videos. And there’s people coming from China, Russia, Africa, the Middle East, known terrorist countries, and they’re all military-aged men. And then you see videos of them carrying drugged children. It’ll be a group of men, and they’re carrying drugged children across the border, claiming that those are their children. They’re absolutely not their children.

“This is outrageous, and then we’ve got the Democrats who claim they always care about migrant children. Well, there’s over 85,000 missing migrant children in the United States, and the New York Times even reported last year that they are being used as child labor.”

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