Biden Pointed to Aide Holding the Nuclear Codes Twice, But Pelosi’s Scared of Trump


In August of 2016, while stumping for Hillary Clinton in Scranton, Pennsylvania then-Vice President Joe Biden warned of the dangers Donald Trump might pose for U.S. security.  He then without irony, while in front of a large audience and multiple TV cameras, pointed to a military aide holding the nuclear codes.


A few short weeks later, during an Ohio campaign rally for Hillary Clinton, Biden repeated that loose lips sink ships blunder.  He pointed out the military aide traveling with him,  whose tasked with carrying those codes.

Following his previous line of attack against “The Donald”, Joe blustered, “I’ve got a military aide with me carrying a briefcase,” Biden said, pointing to his left. “No, I mean this sincerely. That briefcase has the nuclear codes in it and, God forbid, if something happened to the president and a decision had to be made, I open it up and the nuclear codes are there. Just imagine giving this guy access.”

And Nancy Pelosi’s more worried about President Trump having the codes for a few more days than “Hunter’s Father” having them for however long?



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