Biden regime to seize drug patents under cover of drug prices


The authoritarian Biden administration opened the door to using its assumed authority to seize the patents of certain costly medications. The regime wants to lower drug costs (in time for the 2024 election). Biden claims it’s also to promote more competition in the pharmaceutical industry.

The administration unveiled a new framework outlining the factors federal agencies should consider in determining whether to use a controversial policy known as march-in rights.

How will people feel knowing that the government can seize the patents whenever they want under the guise of costs and competition?

They are serious about doing it.

“The administration unveiled a framework outlining the factors federal agencies should consider in deciding whether to use a controversial policy, known as march-in rights, to take patents for drugs developed with taxpayer funds and share them with other pharmaceutical companies if the public cannot “reasonably” access the medications. Doing so could lead to the development of lower-priced generic alternatives, which could cut into key drug companies’ profits and reduce costs for patients.”

For the first time, officials can now factor in a medication’s price in deciding to break a patent. They illicitly changed the rules.

The administration will “make it clear that when drug companies don’t sell taxpayer-funded drugs at reasonable prices, we will be prepared to allow other companies to provide those drugs for less,” Lael Brainard, White House national economic advisor, told reporters.

That’s the excuse for stealing the property rights of the patent holders. That’s never okay. The Biden government and all those Obama and Soros advisers are seizing control of everything.

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