Biden to Deploy 1,000 US Military for a Pier to Deliver Aid to Gaza


Last night during the SOTU, Joe Biden said he would build a pier off the coast of Gaza so humanitarian aid can be delivered to the allegedly starving people. He said there would be “no boots on the ground” in Gaza except for building a pier to deliver aid.

“Tonight, I’m directing the U.S. military to lead an emergency mission to establish a temporary pier in the Mediterranean on the coast of Gaza that can receive large shipments carrying food, water, medicine, and temporary shelters,” Biden said last evening.

Biden claimed it “will enable a massive increase in the amount of humanitarian assistance getting into Gaza every day.”

Is this a stunt, and are we going to see another Afghanistan?

According to the Washington Post, administration officials quietly concede that “only by securing the opening of additional land crossings would there be enough aid to prevent famine.”

Why aren’t the Arab nations doing this?

Why doesn’t Congress have to approve this and where is the money coming from?

The Pentagon laid out the plans, including over 1,000 U.S. military personnel and weeks, perhaps 60 days to plan and execute. The U.S. Army 7th Transportation Brigade (Expeditionary) from VA will be given this responsibility.

Working with the Military Sealift Command and logistics support vessels (LSV), multiple ships “from across the world will come together.” Like-minded countries and partners will provide security and assistance on the ground.

A skeptic might say it looks like a PR stunt to show Biden forming a coalition. Meanwhile, our military is in danger.

They think they will provide two million meals a day.

Meanwhile, our military will be in harm’s way on the shores or just off the shores controlled by Hamas.

Not everyone thinks it’s a good idea. As Robert Gates once said, Joe Biden has been wrong on every foreign policy.

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