Biden to Zelensky: Kyiv About to be “Sacked” by Russians, “Prepare for Impact”


Ukrainian president Zelensky had to correct Biden multiple times on their call today when he insisted Kyiv was about to be ‘sacked’ by Russian forces. At one point Zelensky even asked Biden to calm down.

Natasha Bertrand wrote that Biden said a Russian attack was imminent and Zelensky told him the situation was “dangerous but ambiguous” and it was uncertain.

Biden disagreed and said the attack was “virtually certain.”

Ukraine wants the sanctions now, which makes sense if you’re going to go the sanctions route, but Biden refused.

Zelensky urged Biden to “calm down the messaging.”

Indeed, Biden is forcing Russia up against a wall, and as Zelensky said, there was a recent breakthrough in Paris. However, the very MADman Biden said to “prepare for impact.”

Biden reminds me of Caligula.

So, CNN reporter Natasha Bertrand published the story of the conversation, and then, within hours it was taken down.

The White House denied the story.

Emily Horne, a White House spokeswoman, tweeted a dismissal of CNN’s reporting on his conversation, which cited a source who also insisted that Biden told Zelensky that a Russian invasion of Ukraine was now “virtually certain.”

Only, it is true. The White House is lying as this madman in the White House beats the war drums. He is speeding past diplomacy to start a war between Ukraine and Russia.

There is confirmation.

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