Biden’s TERRIFYING Powers If He Declares A National Emergency


Biden didn’t declare an official climate change national emergency yet, but he might do it in the future, along with an abortion national emergency. He has to pretend something is an emergency to give himself dictatorial powers.

In the clip below, Glenn Beck explores the terrifying and possible presidential powers Biden could have under such an order.

Could climate change deniers be arrested?

This is communism. These people are destroying the Constitution to reset the country. They are a hair’s breadth from seizing all control.

If he declares an emergency, he can do whatever he wants and only has to inform Congress. He can get away with it because it’s…uh…climate.

The Constitution doesn’t spell out how to deal with emergencies. Those powers are handed to Congress and the President.


Beck says it gives him 140 powers. This was printed in The Atlantic in 2019. The Atlantic was afraid Donald Trump would declare emergencies, and their people are doing exactly that.

He could activate laws allowing him to shut down electronic communications inside the United States or freeze Americans’ bank accounts.

Issue laws that allow the president to deploy troops inside the country to subdue domestic unrest.

It lets Congress suspend the writ of habeas corpus—that is, allow government officials to imprison people without judicial review—“when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it” and “provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.”

If it sounds absurd, remember they called the riot/rally of January 6th an insurrection. The Biden administration has continually warned that his political opponents are domestic terrorists.


The president has access to emergency powers contained in 123 statutory provisions, as recently calculated by the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, where I work. These laws address various matters, from military composition to agricultural exports to public contracts. Most importantly, the president is free to use any of them.

A president can engage in behavior that would normally be illegal.  For example, the president can unilaterally suspend the law that bars government testing of biological and chemical agents on unwitting human subjects if he declares war.

The president could seize control of U.S. internet traffic, impeding access to certain websites and ensuring that internet searches return his preferred content as the top results.

Emergency powers also include economic powers. The president can order a range of economic actions to address the so-called threat, including freezing assets and blocking financial transactions in which any foreign nation or national has an interest.

The President can target anyone and ignore civil rights. The government needs only a “reasonable basis” for believing that someone is involved with or supports terrorism to designate him. The target is generally given no advance notice and no hearing. He may request reconsideration and submit evidence on his behalf, but the government faces no deadline to respond. Moreover, the evidence against the target is typically classified, which means he is not allowed to see it. He can try to challenge the action in court, but his chances of success are minimal, as most judges defer to the government’s assessment of its evidence.

The man with dementia in the Oval Office, controlled by some insidious actors, could become a kill switch.

They are the threat to democracy Democrats have warned us about.

Beck said, “Warning to all Democrats and all Republicans,” Glenn says.  “Any president talking the way this president is…that’s very, very dangerous.”


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