Big! Trump Makes a Coronavirus Deal with Insurance companies


Vice President Pence announced today that they have secured the cooperation of insurance companies at the meeting. They agreed to cancel copays and extend coverage for Coronavirus.

The health insurance companies will “waive all copays on coronavirus testing and extend coverage for coronavirus treatment in all of their benefit plans.”

“We want the American people to know that they are covered with private insurance, they are covered with Medicare and Medicaid,” Pence said at a White House meeting with health executives, referring to the government-funded programs for Americans over age 65 and the poor.

The media has not mentioned this without tearing into the President for his so-called “terrible” response to Coronavirus. The media claims his reaction is too mild. Only two months ago, they complained he was overreacting. It’s good he reacted back in January with travel bans or we’d be a lot further along with the virus, but the media won’t give him credit.

They took exception to him saying the virus will go away, but if it follows the path of other cases of flu, it will go away, for the most part, during the spring and summer.


In addition to the elderly, people with underlying maladies such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease are also considered at risk if they catch Coronavirus.

The biggest fear is that it is spreading and mutating without much resistance. It’s new so we don’t know how it will continue to react. So far, symptoms are in line with other cases of flu.

“A study of 99 people in Wuhan, China, with coronavirus published in the journal The Lancet in January found that the most common symptoms were fever (83 percent), cough (82 percent), and shortness of breath (31 percent), with 5 percent reporting sore throat, 4 percent noting a runny nose, and an even smaller percentage reporting diarrhea (2 percent), nausea (1 percent), and vomiting (1 percent),” Coby Hall writes.

As long as there as so many unanswered questions, people will continue to be concerned.


One of the measures the President is considering to help working Americans today is a payroll cut. Economists are saying it’s not going to do much.

Gregory Daco, the chief U.S. economist at the consultancy Oxford Economics USA, told Newsweek, it’s better than nothing.

“I believe measures that address the immediate needs of healthcare workers, infected patients, and affected populations would be preferable,” to a payroll tax cut, Daco told Newsweek.

“This would include a combination of paid sick leave, enhanced unemployment insurance, free coronavirus testing, enhanced supplemental assistance programs and support for healthcare workers.

“It would also include the provision of bridge loans to businesses in need and temporary tax obligation deferments for businesses. For individuals, leniency on the provision of credit and debt payments would also be welcome.”

The President is committed to doing whatever it takes, and values following through on his word.

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