Bill Clinton, Newsom want an “army” or “contact tracer corp” to re-open


Accused rapist Bill Clinton and far-far-left Governor Gavin Newsom need an “army of contact tracers” before they get back to normal.

Why do they want to trace, you ask? Apparently, they want to forcibly isolate the afflicted and anyone who has associated with the afflicted.

One company is working on a wristband that will turn colors if you come near a person who is allegedly afflicted, it will send that information to your boss.

The left keeps saying “testing, testing, testing” and “contact tracing, contact tracing, contact tracing” and more big government overreach. So far, they’ve done nothing much with the testing, and just last year, the World Health Organization study found no evidence contact tracing worked.

It sounds like another unnecessary roadblock to us. What say you?


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