Blackface Governor Northam and his Bloomberg-bought legislature are about to impose gun laws on the people of Virginia that will infringe on their rights. Commonly-owned rifles will be banned.
The budget bill (HB30) includes a quarter-million dollars to carry out the gun control measures and to jail gun owners they will convert into felons. The appropriation will provide for the “increase in the operating cost of adult correctional facilities resulting from the enactment” of Northam’s gun control measures.
Among the enumerated laws that this allocation is meant to fund are a ban on commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms, the criminalization of private firearms transfers, and gun confiscation orders issued without due process.
Buckingham County unanimously voted to pass a Second Amendment Sanctuary City resolution, as are many of the counties in Virginia.
Sanctuaries for guns are popping up throughout Virginia due to the determination of the leaders who risk arrest and worse. Most of the sanctuaries declare that local officials will oppose any “unconstitutional restrictions” on the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.
In the last two months, more than 100 counties, cities, and towns in Virginia have approved such resolutions.
Blackface and his far-left pals in the legislature have even floated the idea of using the National Guard — to enforce his laws through martial law.
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The citizens are not taking it anymore.
“Localities have passed this that weren’t even on our radar,” VCDL President Philip Van Cleave told The Washington Free Beacon. “It’s like a grass fire that the grassroots had started and then we went in and threw some more gasoline and a match on it to make it burn even brighter.”
The VCDL is taking the lead in organizing a rally on the steps of the Capitol in Richmond on Jan. 20, 2020.
Law enforcement Today received a letter from one guardsman who said they won’t turn on citizens.
A member of the Virginia National Guard, whose name remains anonymous, is putting his/her state legislators on notice, Law Enforcement Today reported:
Yesterday, I read an article written in Law Enforcement Today entitled “The Law is the law”: Dems threaten to deploy military against cops who refuse to enforce gun laws.
In the first few paragraphs, I was alerted to the fact that the state of Virginia’s leadership is upset that law enforcement officials do not want to violate their oath to uphold the Constitution. So upset in fact, that they want to call up the National Guard.
I wanted to write and address Representative Donald McEachin.
He [McEachin} said:
“And ultimately, I’m not the governor, but the governor may have to nationalize the National Guard to enforce the law. That’s his call, because I don’t know how serious these counties are and how severe the violations of law will be. But that’s obviously an option he has.”
It disturbs me that this guy got elected and has no concept of the law or reality.
If you force local law enforcement to start violating people’s 2nd Amendment rights by taking their guns, you will wind up with a temporary emergency due to an occupied territory.
There are people who will dig in. They will fortify their habitations. They will stand firm in their resolution to exercise their un-infringed right. And it will get ugly.
Furthermore, Gerry Connolly said:
“I would hope they either resign in good conscience because they cannot uphold the law which they are sworn to uphold, or they’re prosecuted for failure to fulfill their oath. The law is the law. If that becomes the law, you don’t have a choice, not if you’re a sworn officer of the law.”
I wonder if he sees the irony of his statement.
If the state deems that it should enact martial law because sheriff’s, whose only “crime” is standing up for the Constitution, here is what it looks like.
The state Constitution would be suspended. So would habeas corpus and civil rights.
There would be no freedom of the press, assembly or speech.
Curfews would be enforced on the people.
Troops would be in the streets for enforcement.
Checkpoints would be set up for control.
The Guard would have the ability to hold a person without charge.
Imprisonment without representation or due process.
Seeing that we are talking about gun control, there would be warrantless, house to house confiscation of firearms, ammunition, food supplies.
I have to wonder if this is really what Democratic leaders in Virginia want. Because what it equates to is a tyrannical government using its military as ‘enforcers.’
And that is exactly what the 2nd Amendment was created to protect against.
If the Virginia legislators want to push this issue, it could get ugly.
And oh, by the way, plan on seeing the vast majority of the Virginia National Guard become Conscientious Objectors. It will be really hard for them to arrest cops and confiscate guns when none of them will carry the necessary arms to enforce said arrests and confiscations.
How do I know this? I am one of them and will be one of the first to lay down my gun and walk away.
I will not be a pawn in a tyrannical game of human chess. Neither will most of the men and women I serve with.
We don’t know how accurate he is, but we do know this is an unnecessary disaster in the making. It’s a kind of civil war.
Law Enforcement Today received this threat anonymously:
“Your reporting about the growing numbers in the militia create a clear and present threat to America. As part of Congress, I’m giving you fair warning that this is the equivalent of shouting ‘fire’ in a movie theater. If your reporting incites violence, or can even be tied to it, we will make sure to charge your editors with felonies,” wrote the person.
LET doesn’t believe it’s anyone in Congress but who knows.