Blinken Made a Fool of the US – Telling Tales That Could Start Another War


Secretary of State Tony Blinken started a rumor on Face the Nation on Sunday morning. He suggested that Poland will send its fighter jets to the Ukrainians. That would put Poland on a war footing.

The Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland labeled it fake news hours before Blinken’s appearance on the CBS Sunday News show.

So, basically, Blinken lied – again — or distorted the information he had.

The Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland state with certainty, “Poland won’t send its fighter jets to #Ukraine as well as allow to use its airports. We significantly help in many other areas.”

Blinken was just in Poland visiting refugee centers. He even met with Poland’s Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau. He knew the truth. What do you think he was trying to do? Get Poland or NATO into this war?

In any case, Blinken’s a blanking fool.

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