Jennifer Griffin confirmed the gossip in the Atlantic story claiming President Trump called our military and war dead “losers” and “suckers.” All she confirmed was gossip. John Kelly’s spokesperson said the President never made the disparaging comments about the military and he isn’t a Trump fan.
John Bolton, who has no love for Donald Trump, said it’s not true, and he didn’t hold back. While Griffin said Bolton wasn’t present for the comments, Bolton said he was there for all of it and President Trump never disparaged the military.
He said Griffin is “flatly wrong.”
Bolton slammed the President at the end and it’s clear that if he could confirm this story, he would.
Christian Gold Company Defies Industry’s Retirement Fearmongering Through Prayer and Biblical Hope
Griffin told Fox News that Steve Mnuchin was present when Trump uttered his vile statements. Griffin said this about the Treasury Secretary, “Mnuchin was in the Tank meeting at the Pentagon on July 20, 2017, when the president berated the Pentagon four-star generals, calling them losers, and dopes, and babies.”
[The story changed — now it’s generals who were called losers and babies.]
Griffin continued, “So when Mnuchin says he’s never heard the president speak that way of the military or to generals that’s patently false.”
“I confirmed with people who were present at the meeting the president use those exact words in the Pentagon,” Griffin unequivocally stated.
How in the world can she confirm gossip and stick up for gossip as if it was fact?
Joe Biden is the one we should be concerned about:
Wow, an Air Force vet calls Biden out for voting for the Iraq War
“We are wondering why we should vote for someone who voted for a war & enabled a war that killed thousands of our brothers & sisters?…Their blood is on your hands…My friends are dead because of your policies!”
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 6, 2020
You can decide if details Fox got shed better or worse light on President Trump but either way, Fox found The Atlantic claims untrue, according to what Fox just reported: The opposite of “confirming” The Atlantic story. Yet Fox presented their different claims as if confirmation.
— Sharyl Attkisson🕵️♂️ (@SharylAttkisson) September 7, 2020
So one could say (though nobody seems to be) that Fox found The Atlantic’s story wasn’t true, according to its sources… and that the on-the-record folks who disputed it, including Trump, are correct.
Or more succinctly: Fox confirmed Trump’s claims.— Sharyl Attkisson🕵️♂️ (@SharylAttkisson) September 7, 2020