Bombshell! CCP Balloon Had Tools to Collect Communication Signals


According to the State Department, China’s spycraft, which targeted US communications, flew over more than 40 countries and is directed by the Chinese military.

The NY Times reports:

The United States used high-resolution imagery from U-2 flybys to determine the balloon’s capabilities, the department said in a written announcement, adding that the balloon’s equipment “was clearly for intelligence surveillance and inconsistent with the equipment onboard weather balloons.”

The agency said the balloon had multiple antennas in an array that was “likely capable of collecting and geo-locating communications.” Solar panels on the machine were large enough to produce power to operate “multiple active intelligence collection sensors,” the department said.

The US said that the company that made it has direct commercial ties with the People’s Liberation Army, the Chinese military. The Times reports that the company advertises past flights over the US [AND WE DIDN’T KNOW? AND WE’RE GOING TO GO WAR THEM AND RUSSIA?]

The US does not know what they targeted or picked up, yet we were told as it traveled across the US that they were confident they took precautions to prevent communications.

The US wouldn’t shoot it down, and now Biden’s only reaction is it won’t hurt our relations with them???

He doesn’t bother to address the fact that China is preparing to go to war with the US.

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