Bombshell J6 Video of an Innocent Jacob Chansley


Tucker Carlson began the show tonight exposing the terrible injustice of imprisoning Jacob Chansley, a harmless handicapped man who thought he was doing nothing wrong on January 6.

Jacob Chansley was described as a “dangerous conspiracy theorist dressed in outlandish costume who led the violent insurrection to overthrow American democracy for these crimes.” He received 41 months in prison for his alleged crimes.

He was the face of the insurrection, so they had to convict him, but it was all a lie. Chansley was given every reason to believe he was allowed to be in the Capitol. He was escorted by the police the entire time. They even opened doors for him.

Chansley, also known as the QAnon Shaman, was so confident that he was welcomed that he said a prayer for the police.

He said he didn’t know he had done anything wrong.

“Chansley was sentenced to nearly four years in prison,” Tucker said. “Far more time than many violent criminals now receive.”

“What did Jacob Chansley do to receive this punishment?” he continued. “To this day, there is a dispute over how Chansley got into the Capitol building, but according to our review of the internal surveillance video, it is very clear what happened once he got inside.”

“Virtually every moment of his time inside the Capitol was caught on tape. The tape shows that Capitol Police never stopped Jacob Chansley. They helped him. They acted as his tour guides.”

“Here’s video of Chansley in the Senate Chamber,” Tucker said. “Capitol Police officers take him to multiple entrances and even try to open locked doors for him. We counted at least nine officers who were within touching distance of unarmed Jacob Chansley. Not one of them even tried to slow him down. Chansley understood that Capitol Police were his allies. Video shows him giving thanks for them in a prayer on the floor of the Senate.”

According to The Daily Mail,  Chansley was diagnosed by prison officials with transient schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety.


In a previously released American Greatness video, you can see Chansley and one of the men who was with him getting the okay from the police to walk through the building as long as they were “peaceful.”


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