Breaking MSNBC News! Rifle Has a ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Sticker on It


MSNBC reporters think it’s breaking news to have AR-15 rifles with a sticker on them that has Biden’s image next to the firing mode selector with the slogan, “Let’s go, 15”, code for “Let’s Go, Brandon, which is code for an expletive.

The reporter said it might mean it’s a “threat to the president.”.

The Left is shocked, I tell you, shocked. They would never do that. Oh, wait, they did do that and worse. They threatened to kill Donald Trump regularly. Who can forget the play in Central Park in New York City where they acted out killing a Donald Trump look-alike in a modern-day depiction of Julius Caesar?

Getting back to this allegedly newsworthy item. The reporter consulted with Secret Service to see if this rifle could be deemed a death threat against Joe Biden. The Secret Service had no comment. [They probably had a good laugh though.]

It’s a sticker, people. That’s not the problem, however. The problem for them is it demeans Joe. The Left is doing overtime trying to quash the slogan.

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