Brit Hume on “Repulsive” Cheney-Thompson Medals


As if Democrats haven’t done enough to destroy the Justice system, they’ve come up with something even more repulsive. They are rewarding the worst offenders of justice, Liz Cheney and Bennie Thompson.

We already reported this, but Brit Hume said it so well.

Liz Cheney and Bennie Thompson, along with other undeserving people, are getting medals for their Stalinist J6 panel.

They hid the J6 footage and destroyed evidence so they couldn’t be properly investigated. There was no due process, no cross-examination of witnesses, no key witnesses for the defense, and no legal representation. The panel injected false audio and hired a Hollywood producer to cherry-pick footage and create a narrative. All members selected voted to impeach Donald Trump.

The media didn’t fall for it. They were willing participants.

The medals are only intended to mock Republicans.

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