Cali law will ban stores from displaying clothes and toys by gender


California Democratic Assemblyman Evan Low received a request from an 8-year-old girl, the daughter of a staff member, to ban stores from displaying children’s clothes and toys by gender. So, of course, the far-left lawmaker drafted a bill for this one little girl.

Assembly Bill 2826 would abolish “girls’ aisles” and “boys’ aisles” at all retail department stores that employ at least 500 workers, The Sacramento Bee reported.

The stores would be required to display children’s products in a gender-neutral location, “regardless of whether a particular item has traditionally been marketed for either girls or for boys,” according to the bill.

If they don’t do it, they will be fined up to $1,000.

“Unjustified differences in similar products that are traditionally marketed either for girls or for boys can be more easily identified by the consumer if similar items are displayed closer to one another in one, undivided area of the retail sales floor,” according to the bill.

Separating items according to gender also “incorrectly implies that their use by one gender is inappropriate,” the bill read.

Separating kids’ products “pigeonholes children,” Low said in the press release.

“No child should feel stigmatized for wearing a dinosaur shirt or playing with a Barbie doll,” he said. “It also incorrectly implies that their use by one gender is inappropriate.”

The child wants it to be illegal and that inspired. Mr. Low.

This is insane. California is off the rails with their Marxist PC garbage. Low is a moron and anyone who votes for this is a moron too.

Speak up America and put these nutjobs in their place.

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