California Has As Many As 7 More House Seats & Here’s 2 Questions for Readers


California has as many as seven additional House seats thanks to illegal immigration.  Members of the U.S. House of Representatives each represent a portion of their state known as a Congressional District, which averages 700,000 people.

Even though taxpayers are moving out of blue states, especially New York and California, they are replaced by needy from around the world coming in illegally. Eventually, California will only have very rich and poor. How long before the rich move out?

Illegal immigrants should not increase power in the House. It means foreigners are deciding the country’s future and how we spend our money. Unfortunately, the global Marxists take advantage of this in gaining influence in American politics and economics.

End Wokeness asks a good question. What issue are you “far right” on? I’d like to add, “What are Democrats far-left” on?

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