Mohamed Noor, the police officer who gunned down an innocent, unarmed woman reporting a possible rape, has lost all his support. He sees himself as a victim according to friends. Meanwhile, the police chief was forced to resign and there are calls for the mayor to do the same.
There are many problems with this case. The account of the one officer Harrity who would speak to authorities seems to have left out some details. There is also the missing two minutes in the 9-1-1 tape, that is the time Justine Damond was killed.
The officer is refusing to give his account of the shooting but his friends spoke to the Daily Mail and explained that he is being victimized. Officer Noor feels alone because of his race, and reportedly has said he has been “thrown under the bus”.
Minneapolis Police Chief Janeé Harteau, in her first public statement on the killing nearly a week before of Australian Justine Damond by a Somali refugee cop, called her death “unnecessary” and said it went against the protocol and training given to her officers. She had been on vacation and did not come back when Ms. Damond was killed.
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Harteau faced criticisms for questionable deaths going back to 2013, the guardian reported. She is a very controversial figure and a PC appointment.
“I’ve lost confidence in the chief’s ability to lead us further,” said Mayor Betsy Hodges in a media statement Friday. “And from the many conversations I’ve had with people around our city, it is clear that she has lost the confidence of the people of Minneapolis as well. For us to continue to transform policing … we need new leadership at [Minneapolis Police Department].
The Chief resigned later that day.
Calls to fire Mayor Hodges
When Mayor Hodges tried to speak at the press conference Friday, she was drowned out by a coalition of community groups pushing for police reform. They rancorously chanted “Bye bye Betsy.”
Mayor Betsy Hodges has an annoying way of circumventing the issue. She issued a lengthy statement on Facebook expressing her concern for the Muslim community since the officer is a PC Muslim hire, the first Somali-American in the 5th precinct. Even after three complaints and a lawsuit in two years, he remained on the force. He appears to be a trigger-happy cop.
In her statement, she wrote to the Somali community, “I want you to know that you are a valued and appreciated part of Minneapolis….Justine’s death was tragic and awful…but we cannot compound that tragedy by turning to racism, xenophobia and Islamophobia”…”
It is the left who are the racists, by constantly singling people out by race. In Noor’s case, they wouldn’t mention his background at all in the beginning. It was very hush-hush.
The missing two minutes
There are two minutes missing in the 9-1-1 tape and they are a “critical missing two minutes”.
A timeline pieced together through the bride-to-be’s 911 calls and a newly released police incident report shows Damond was shot two minutes after police officers arrived at the alleyway behind her home.
“What it doesn’t explain is what happened in those two crucial minutes that prompted officer Mohamed Noor to draw his gun, reach over his partner and discharge his weapon through the open window, delivering a fatal shot to Ms Damond’s abdomen,” reports, an Australian outlet.
Stories about a noise and her coming up suddenly don’t seem to conform to the facts.