Canada Will Now Kill Minors Without Parental Permission


A new Canadian law would allow minors to be euthanized without parents agreeing. Creighton School of Medicine professor Charles Camosy joined Tucker on Tucker Carlson Tonight to discuss a new Canadian law that would allow minors to be euthanized by state doctors without the consent of their parents.

According to Dr. Camosy, if the child is depressed, has diabetes, and has no girlfriend, s/he can euthanize him/herself.

Should doctors be allowed to kill people? That is the bigger question. It’s making them into Mengeles. In 2019, the corrupt media said it didn’t happen and wouldn’t. Yet, here we are again.

If “mature” children are under 18 and/or are mentally ill, the law expands to allow them to be killed via the euphemistic term “assisted suicide.”



While the country has perhaps the most permissive euthanasia laws in the world, concerns have already been mounting about how easily people are being killed, according to the AP.

Under the new laws, however, qualifying for “assisted suicide” will become even more relaxed.

Canada first legalized euthanasia back in 2016.

The process involves doctors administering drugs in order to end a patient’s life.

The law supposedly attempts to restrict the practice to only those patients with a verifiable pathological condition, who are experiencing “unbearable physical or mental suffering that cannot be relieved under conditions that patients consider acceptable,” and whose death is “reasonably foreseeable.”

The patient must submit a request for euthanasia, and at least two physicians must approve it.

However, there have been reports that some patients, particularly the disabled, have been coerced into euthanasia.

Some of those patients who have been euthanized did not actually suffer life-threatening illnesses, the AP found.


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