Catholic Nuns Buy Controlling Stocks in Gun Companies to Destroy Them


Adrian Dominican nuns protesting guns

An anti-gun/anti-Second Amendment publication, The Trace, reports that a group of Canadian and U.S. nuns and other Catholic activists want gunmakers to actively monitor violence committed with their product. That’s not all, they plan to make them engage in corporate governance. To make this happen, they bought stock – enough to make them bend to their will.

It’s another ploy meant to make gunmakers the means of their own destruction.

We don’t make car manufacturers keep lists of everyone who dies in a crash and then provide governance.

According to SEC filings, these anti-Second Amendment activists bought stock in gun manufacturing companies to force them to do it and more. This was in response to the Parkland school shooting.

Via The Trace

After the Parkland school shooting, the activists, including the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary and the Catholic Health Initiatives network of clinics, bought stock in the American Outdoor Brands Corporation (AOBC), which owns Smith & Wesson.

They did the same with Sturm, Ruger, the other major publicly traded gun company. The activists then used their status as shareholders to ask fellow investors to join them in demanding that the gunmakers publicly report on public safety risks caused by their products.

Now, Ruger’s is considering the leftist nuns’ proposal because their shareholders voted for it with 69 percent of the vote, The Trace reports.

No gun company has ever before had its shareholders order a company to consider people harmed by the misuse of their product.

The activists are also out to get American Outdoor Brands Corporation to do the same. They are even going further, and are asking the company to engage in corporate governance. The nuns want them to begin the process of destroying themselves. It opens the way for lawsuits holding gunmakers responsible for the misuse of their products. The expense of the suits will eventually destroy these companies.

The Catholics, of which I am one, want to disarm the law-abiding citizens. I want my church to get out of politics and stick to religion.

The organizations involved are:

• Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, U.S.-Ontario Province
• Adrian Dominican Sisters
• Catholic Health Initiatives
• Congregation of St. Joseph
• Daughters of Charity, Province of St Louise
• Mercy Health
• Mercy Investment Services
• Sisters of Bon Secours, USA
• Sisters of Providence, Mother Joseph Province
• Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia
• Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet – St. Louis Province

This information was also published at The Patriot Chronicles.

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