Catholic priest’s pledge against ‘white privilege’ and ‘systemic racism’ is concerning


As a Catholic, this next video alarmed me. Father Boller, imitating the very political Pope Francis, got political after a mass at his church in New York City. He recited a pledge to some of the tenets that happen to align with the Marxist movement, Black Lives Matter. We agree with Bill O’Reilly (see second clip) that Black Lives Matter is a corrupt Marxist movement. Their tenets are communistic.

The New York City Jesuit priest said his parish added a “pledge for racial justice” to Masses as part of its anti-racism initiatives, and that no one at the parish is required to participate in it.

But, still…

“Under the sponsorship of the Pastoral Council, we held a prayer service for the victims of racism and commissioned our Sacred Space ministry to produce a display so that there would be heightened awareness. In that context, someone found a version of the pledge from a Unitarian Church in Texas,” Jesuit Fr. Kenneth Boller, pastor of St. Francis Xavier Parish in New York City, told CNA Sept. 2.

“We invite people to take the pledge after the post communion prayer and before the final blessing-a time when many churches have announcements. People are invited to respond yes to each question. Some choose not to. That’s fine,” Fr. Boller added.

The liberal National Catholic Register said the following report by Tucker Carlson and Eric Metaxas was erroneous. However, the priest clearly calls for people to pledge against ‘white privilege’ which is racist, and ‘systemic racism’ which only exists in the liberal/leftist quarters. Affirmative Action is an example of systemic racism, built into the system and it’s illegal. Once you favor a race of people over others, you of necessity cancel all the others, or make them less.

Watch and decide what you think:

Bill O’Reilly briefly explained who BLM is, how corrupt they are, and how much money moronic corporations are giving them.


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