Cautionary Tale: New York Is Falling to Ruin


Governor Kathy Hochul used her State of the State address to promise giveaways we can’t afford and do nothing about crime while she walks around with her 75-member entourage. She will continue her high tax policies as people flee the state. New York is a one-party state and will go to ruin.

The Republicans Explain How NY Falls

“Just one year ago, Governor Hochul promised New Yorkers that she would pursue the common good with common sense by seeking common ground, she failed,” Rep. Mike Lawler began.

“What’s common sense about doubling down on sanctuary state policies that have made New York a magnet for illegal immigrants, spending billions of dollars of your tax money to provide free housing, health care, food, clothing, and education to illegal immigrants?

“It’s nuts.

NY’s budget is twice the size of Florida’s budget with fewer people:

“We’re signing a state budget that is more than twice the size of Florida’s despite having a smaller population or sticking with cashless bail, the single stupidest piece of legislation that has ever been signed into law anywhere in the country. Or raise the age in which 16 and 17-year- olds using guns in the commission of a crime are treated in family court rather than criminal court or clean slate laws that wipe away a criminal’s record? Meanwhile, felony assaults in New York City are up nearly 150% and people are being burned alive on a subway car.

“What’s common sense about pushing policies that gave us the highest state and local taxes in America, resulting in the worst out-migration of any state in the country? On top of that, state spending is up $90 billion since Kathy Hochul took statewide office with no end in sight. We’re jamming a congestion pricing scheme down the throats of working families and businesses to bail out the corrupt and broken MTA. Think about this. She is literally charging hard-working New Yorkers $2,500 annually just for the privilege to drive to work but has no problem shelling out debit cards or unemployment benefits for illegal immigrants with your tax money.

What is common sense about pushing an absurd proposal to mandate high-density development in the suburbs that would supersede local zoning and destroy communities? We’re claiming we care about working people, while New York hemorrhages manufacturing jobs faster than any state in America, except one”

“You know the answer as well as I do. Not a damn thing.

When she disagrees, she calls us names and tells us to leave:

“On top of that, how do you seek common ground by accusing anyone who doesn’t agree with you politically of being racist, misogynist, or worse, or when you tell every Republican in the state, they are not New Yorkers and to just jump on a bus and head down to Florida because you don’t agree with them? In short, you don’t. And Kathy Hochul never has. She is a feckless and failed governor who needs to be replaced in 2026.

“In Washington, I was proud to be rated the fourth most bipartisan member of Congress thanks to a record of truly finding common ground between Democrats and Republicans to solve problems like raising the salt deduction, which we will get done in this Congress. We’re fixing our broken immigration system and securing the border, combating ant-semitism, stopping congestion pricing, cracking down on crime, and standing with our police.

She won’t work with the opposition:

“In that sense, I subscribe to former mayor Koch’s axiom about politics, which was, if you agree with me on nine out of 12 issues, vote for me. If you agree with me on 12 out of 12 issues, go have your head exam. We’re not going to agree on everything, and that’s a good thing. That’s why we have a constitutional republic. That’s why we have a democracy. Now, that approach and proven record of working across the aisle helped me become one of only three Republican members of Congress to win re-election in a district also won by Vice President Harris this November.

“Unfortunately, the speech Governor Hochul is planning to deliver today isn’t about working across the aisle to make New York a better, more affordable, safer place to live, work, raise a family, or retire. I can’t remember the last time she sat down with any one of my legislative colleagues here to really delve into the problems facing New York. Nope. Rather, it’s about cynically trying to rehab her abysmal public image by spending your own tax dollars to try and buy you off.


“Let me be more clear: taking thousands of dollars out of New Yorkers’ left pocket and then putting $500 in their right pocket is not a tax cut. It’s an insult, and it’s precisely why millions of New Yorkers have headed for the exits. Let’s be honest: the governor’s rebate check proposal doesn’t make her a tax cutter any more than her endlessly reminding people she’s a Bills fan makes people think she cares about working families upstate. Just ask about the 1500 people laid off at the Sumitomo rubber factory in Tonawanda just before Christmas or the 230 people who are losing their jobs this summer when Rite Aid shuts down their distribution center in Liverpool.

Destroying the car industry:

“If she really wanted to provide tax relief to the most overtaxed people in America, Governor Hochul would amend the state constitution to require a super-majority vote to raise state taxes in the future. If she really cared about making things more affordable, Governor Hochul would repeal the electric vehicle mandates banning the sale of gas-powered cars by 2035, just like the Democratic governor of Connecticut announced he was going to do. And she would end the moratorium on extracting natural gas. There is nobody in this state whose utility bills have gone down under Governor Hochul.

“In fact, they have skyrocketed because of the disastrous energy policies put forth by Democratic supermajorities, and Governor Hochul, even Tom DiNapoli, has said the bill is a failure. Not only will such a mandate on EVs hit lower-income New Yorkers the hardest, but the fact is, we as a state don’t and won’t have anywhere near the necessary number of charging stations to make mass EV use practical, but No, she won’t do any of that.

She knows she can’t deliver:

“Instead, Governor Hochul will stand in the egg today (Thursday)  and promise a litany of big government giveaways that sound great on paper, some of which may even be good ideas, like investments in child care and health care infrastructure and more affordable home ownership. But the reality is that she can’t and won’t deliver on these pie-in-the-sky promises. I know it, you know it, they know it, and worst of all, she knows it.

“And the way to deliver change is through bold and courageous reform that roots out corruption and waste dramatically reduces the size and cost of government, restores law and order and provides equal opportunity for every person who works hard and plays by the rules to achieve their American dream. Right here in New York, we live in the greatest state in the country. The only thing standing in our way is failed, incompetent leadership.

“So with resolve and toughness and resolve and willingness to bring people together to solve problems while breaking apart the corrupt special interest cabals that run our state today, we can change things for the better for each and every New Yorker.”

Rep. Lawler finishes his speech at about 10 minutes:

This is what went on at New York Governor’s Kathy Hochul State of the State address. As Meme says, we don’t have serious people running New York and the damage Hochul is doing is frightening.

She is a complete fraud.


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