Clay Travis takes on mask tyrants in Williamson County Schools

You all should be ashamed.

~ Clay Travis

The Williamson County, Tennessee school board defied the parents and required students to wear masks this school year.  The debate inside the board meeting was firey as the board members decided to force the students to wear masks, ignoring the parents.

The four-hour meeting drew a large crowd of freedom protesters including former sports journalist and conservative political commentator Clay Travis, who has children that attend schools in the district.

Mr. Travis explained the masks don’t work and not one study shows that they do.

We believe parents should decide if they want to force their children to wear masks. In general, school boards are political and represent special interests, not the parents.

This is a talk radio host who does something:

He also discussed it on Fox & Friends this morning (go to 03:14):

Yesterday he spoke to the censorship of Dr. Rand Paul.

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