Clueless Whoopi Goldberg Picks Dr. of Education Jill Biden for Surgeon General


How upside-down is the television “entertainment” industry?  We’ve witnessed late-night comedy morph into unfunny virtue signaling and lecturing, while daytime talkers trying to discuss serious topics, unwittingly utter statements made hilarious by their sheer stupidity.

Most recently the View’s Whoopi Goldberg made her pick for United States Surgeon General.  She proudly chooses Joe Biden’s wife, Jill.  Seems that the whole Dr. in front of Jill’s name fooled Whoopi into thinking Mrs. Biden was an actual M.D.

That couldn’t be much farther from the truth.  Joe’s bride, an English teacher at a community college, got her doctor of education from the University of Delaware.  That my friends is a long way from earning a residency at say, Johns Hopkins.

The punch lines write themselves here.  There are so many that we can’t remember whom to give proper attribution.  Maybe it was Mark Steyn or Tucker Carlson who said something like, “Perhaps Whoopi would be OK with Dr. Biden removing her appendix?”   Or,  “Imagine you’re suffering from cardiac arrest, and raced to the emergency room, only to see Dr. of Ed. Jill Biden holding your life in her chalk covered fingers.”

Well, the one thing of which we can be virtually certain is, folks playing Goldberg’s clueless idiocy for laughs won’t include any of the late-night “comedians”.  Perhaps it’s not their fault.  It may be, given their own profoundly dim-witted ways, those hosts were on board with Whoopi’s pick for Surgeon General of the United States!

Please don’t miss the 43-second clip.

Don’t forget to watch Tucker weigh-in:

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