CNN is not only in airports, it’s in schools, big brother?


A National Review Online and Forbes contributor, Carrie Lukas wrote on Twitter that her daughter is forced to watch CNN every day in school. She wrote in response to another mother whose son had to remove his Trump hat in school.

Another Twitter user wrote, “In my son’s middle school in California they have a lesson called CNN 10. I found out about it two years ago and I immediately requested he be excused from participating. The school had know [sic] problem with the request but would not get credit. Now he does extra credit to make it up”

Others, many others said the same thing:

“Agreed!! My kid’s school does this too. We tell them not to listen to everything you hear.”

“Last year a public school teacher mentioned to me that they watch CNN at certain times of the day. Hard to believe, but it’s true.”

“My daughter told me the same thing. They have to watch CNN10 in the morning. We will be discussing whatever the topic is, daily. This is ridiculous.”

“Same here. Solved it.”

“My son is as well, I am not happy!”

“The only material my grandkids schools use is from CNN. It makes me sick”

“Yep. My son has brought up progressive talking points from CNN 10 that I’ve had to correct. The Scholastic Jr. publications he brings home are just as bad.”

Progressives are brainwashing your child in school. Know what they are teaching. Check their work. Don’t be afraid to complain and bring other parents with you.

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