CNN political writer says Trumps honoring Conan the hero dog was “terrifying”


Joan Walsh, Moonbat

Joan Walsh is a national affairs correspondent for the very far-left publication, The Nation, and she’s a political contributor to far-left CNN. She is what we’ve been waiting for since the President honored Conan the hero dog. We wondered what moonbat would come up with something negative about this lovely story of a hero dog and here she is, Joan Walsh.

She found it “terrifying” to witness the coldness of the Trumps. Huh? And she found Melania’s colorful coal “slightly macabre.” Walsh thinks Melania moved away from the dog for some sinister reason, but, in fact, she moved to make room for the dog, the handler, and Vice President Pence.

Walsh could be a tad jealous of Melania.

Walsh seems to think President Trump can’t remember the name of the breed because he didn’t mention it. Then she decided the President’s joke about the dog being “muzzled” actually represented “fear.”

Trump tried to joke with journalists, saying if they opened their mouths, the dog was trained to attack. It was a joke, but Walsh again says it was “terrifying.”

These people are crazy. They turn everything into a negative, simply everything.

The President can’t do anything without the media attacking.

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