CNN suggests Trump’s a fascist or czar for saluting Marine One


MSNBC is extremely angry that President Trump returned from the hospital looking well, defeating COVID, and going back to business. So many of their guests wanted him dead.

The reporter falsely claims he is putting peoples’ lives at risk — fake news — and calls it a ‘Mussolini Moment.’ He’s saluting Marine One and the gallant Marines who fly these helicopters, often into enemy territory, and who took him to the hospital and elsewhere (with glass partitions and masks).

The people at an acceptable social distance have masks handy and he put his mask on once again upon entering the White House.

Another reporter, dripping venom, also says Trump is not only Mussolini, he’s part of the Russian Czar’s family. Perhaps she’s fondly recalling how they were all murdered, shot to death and their bodies dropped in wells by the communists.

The left media tries to make the President into a dictator, yet it is the blue rulers in cities and states who are dictatorial. The tyrannical governor of Michigan was just taken down by a judge for being a tyrant.

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer appears in the second clip, calling Trump ‘wreckless’ for taking off his mask, outside the White House, as he salutes Marine One, with no one around him.

Do watch these people make clowns of themselves. One said he had make up on and someone put his favorite orange patina on (they keep me laughing though):

Wolf didn’t like the gesture. He would have preferred he not look well and not salute Marine One.


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