Conclusive Proof the 2020 Election was Stolen in Arizona!



Conclusive Proof the 2020 Election was Stolen in Arizona!

By Mark Schwendau

An event was held Monday night (6-27-2022) in Scottsdale, Arizona.  The event was centered around Jovan Hutter Pulitzer presenting evidence of a forensic audit of the November 2020 election whereby paper ballots offered evidence of fraud in that paper ballots of Arizona lacked a chain of custody. In a video posted by Pulitzer on Facebook last week, he said he will “testify in Arizona” on June 27 and would be “giving all our forensic information findings to the (Arizona) legislators.”

Jovan Pulitzer is an entrepreneur millionaire who took up the cause of investigating the November 2020 election much the same as My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell and many other patriotic Americans across the nation.

Jovan Pulitzer

Pulitzer is best known for creating and patenting: CQR (See Our Cue – Q Code Platform for Scan Commerce and Scan to Connect). He has been involved in Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Health Care, Mobile Health Care, Engagement Technologies, and the Data Analytics Industry. Pulitzer has created numerous companies that have generated over a billion dollars in consumer sales.

He is said to be on the level of Elon Musk’s (Tesla CEO) genius. Pulitzer’s patents are known to be granted fast and he is regularly one of the top inventors every year in the United States. Pulitzer has been nationally and internationally recognized with a number of very prestigious awards for achievements in innovative developments and designs.  He has been granted over 400 patents both nationally and internationally.

In 2021, Pulitzer provided evidence of fraud and wrongdoing within Maricopa County’s 2020 General Election in November by way of his “Kinematic Artifact Detection” process. He discovered that county election officials used ballot paper printed in other countries and accepted counterfeit ballots, not of the official run of this country.  While people thought it was funny that people were using microscopes and magnifying glasses through the audit process, this was one of two things they were looking for.  A second thing was some ballots across the nation lacked human fingerprints and appeared to be duplicated by a copy machine.

While this event was systematically ignored by many news media outlets and shadow banned by Internet search engines and social media websites, it was broadcast live streamed by both Right Side Broadcasting and Real America’s Voice.

While Pulitzer’s “Paper Analysis Results” was presented to Arizona elected officials in a formal manner, the event was not sanctioned or attended by either Senate President Karen Fann (R) or House Speaker Rusty Bowers (R). The two are widely regarded as “Never Trump” RINOs.  Bowers has indicated he will not run for office again.  Many are waiting for Fann to make the same announcement or be defeated.

Three Arizona lawmakers who were in attendance pursuing the truth of what happened in the Arizona election of 2020 were State Rep. Leo Biasiucci, State Sen. Wendy Rogers, and State Rep. Mark Finchem- who served as panelists in the Jovan Pulitzer event.

Republican candidates running for office Josh Barnett, Abraham Hamadeh, and Kari Lake were also in attendance.  Gail Golec is running to be the chairman of the Maricopa Board of Supervisors, a board she has accused of conduct that has been criminal.  She has been endorsed by both President Trump and Mike Lindell.

Golec contends that over 100,000 ballots were not counted before the election was certified as announced early by FOX News.  Golec contends they were never counted and most probably would have gone to Trump.  Trump lost to Biden by less than 10,000 votes in Maricopa County.

Some 20 candidates for political office in Arizona were announced before the presentation began.

What is most humorous is many mainstream mockingbird news sources have been critical of Jovan Pulitzer to the point of being guilty of libel.  The worst thing was when one news sources termed Pultizer a “failed inventor” contrary to all kinds of available evidence online to the contrary.

While Pulitzer’s event was free Monday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., the location was not released until noon for security concerns.  The sign-up for the event ran into problems when removed it from their website for unknown reasons. It was immediately picked up by

Those critical of the election process of 2020 want changes made such as:

Voter ID.

Election held in one day.

No ballot drop boxes.

Every ballot has a chain of custody to an American citizen voter.

No more computerized voting machines and software.

Previously an audit subcontractor issued a report to Karen Fann as Senate President which renounced Pulitzer’s work connected with the Arizona forensic audit.  Shiva Ayyadurai contended, without evidence, Pulitzer’s claims were “filled with blatant prevarications that demand either a full-blown criminal investigation of fraud of the author of this rubbish or at minimum complete disassociation from him to ensure integrity of the election integrity efforts and to honor those who are truly doing the real work to identify real problems.”

Kinematic is the physical trail of a ballot from paper, printing, sorting, mailing, return, scanning, and reporting and recording of votes.  Over 20, 895,610 ballots were tabulated 58 billion metrics were examined looking at these ballots.

The conclusion of his result was the 2020 election of Maricopa County should not have been certified as the evidence showed multiple ballot and voting irregularities. Widespread systematic election fraud was the conclusion of Jovan Pulitzer.

The voting machines were said to have added nearly a half million (406,972) predetermined ballots votes of which over 90% were cast for Joe Biden.  When all of these illegal predetermined ballots of the algorithm of the machine were removed from the count, 58% were for Trump with 41% were for Biden.

Every box of ballots that was to be sealed as evidence had been opened except for the pre-selected sample ballot boxes (presumably because they had a chain of custody).   Pulitzer has a theory that the boxes were illegally opened to make the paper ballots match what the machines said.

Some 343,304 voters had their rights violated by the Arizona election officials in violation of the 14the Amendment of the Constitution. One-third of these voters were minorities.

At least 10% of the paper ballots of Maricopa County were not printed on the proper stock.  The 120,867 ballots created a forced adjudication which was 10 times the difference in the election between the two presidential candidates.

Sharpie pens were demanded to be used which created bad ballots when used with the inferior printed ballot papers.  This was a historic first. This made for bad ballots due to bleeding.  Pulitzer declared this practice a human hack that was planned.

Arizona ballots use a color code system.  The ballots that were simple black and white ballots were found to be in too great a number to those to be used as color ballots were represented under voted. In every category of color management matrix, Arizona’s ballots failed the forensic audit.

Maricopa County also failed the kinematic voter audit in the fold status of ballots.  The county failed by 1,200% when analyzing the three categories of ballots; machine folds, hand folds, and no folds.

There are 10 matrixes used to examine Arizona ballots.  It was found that almost 11,000 ballots were counterfeit ballots.

There were 235,367 ballots changed after they were cast which is beyond usual.  Correcting ballots in 2016 was 1 in 100, in 2018 it was 2 in 100, and in 2020 it was 1 in every 8 were changed.  Two and one-half pallets of ballots were changed and the paper ballots were never inspected.

Evidence of ballot cracking was evident in Maricopa County.  Some 53,866 ballots were returned by mail as undeliverable.  The Maricopa County officials later would report they were destroyed against Federal election laws and U.S. Postal records.  Some 110, 092 ballots simply went “missing”.  These Arizona officials cannot prove they were not cast.

The Maricopa voter rolls had 10% phantom voters whereby supposed voters cannot be traced.  These 2,697 phantom voters were scrubbed from the voter rolls immediately after the election.  Maricopa County had 332 phantom voters per precinct.

Numerous voters were told that a provisional ballot had been sent to them and returned and they had already voted when they had not received their ballot and voted.  This phenomena of provisional ballots being rejected or gone missing was a civil rights issue as most of these involved minorities.

Pulitzer suggests every American check their voting history. In multiple states around the nation Americans voting history does not match how they voted which means either a simple record-keeping mistake was made or votes were stolen illegally. Numerous people around the nation are finding out they voted in Midterm Elections when they NEVER voted in Midterm Elections!

Copyright © 2022 by Mark S. Schwendau

Mark S. Schwendau is a retired technology professor who has always had a sideline in news editorial writing where his byline has been, “Bringing little known news to people who simply want to know the truth.”  He classifies himself as a Christian conservative who God cast to be a realist.  Mark is an award-winning educator who has published 7 books and numerous peer-reviewed trade journal articles some of which can be found on the Internet.  His father was a fireman/paramedic while his mother was a registered nurse.  He holds multiple degrees in technology education, industrial management, OSHA Safety, and Driver’s Education.  His personal website is www.IDrawIWrite.Tech.

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