Couple who drank fish tank cleaner were Dem donors


The Arizona woman who said that she and her 68-year-old husband ingested fish tank cleaner thinking it was the chloroquine President Trump discussed in two pressers is a Democrat donor.

The President used this case as a reason to bash the President and the drugs hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine.

As it turns out, the couple, Gary and Wanda, are big donors to Democrats. The Free Beacon was able to figure out who they are and they checked on the couple’s political affiliation.

Federal Election Commission records show that Wanda has donated thousands of dollars to Democratic electoral groups and candidates over the past two years, including Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and EMILY’s List, a group that aims to elect pro-choice female candidates, Free Beacon reported.

“We weren’t big supporters of [Trump], but we did see that they were using it in China and stuff,” Wanda told the Free Beacon. “And we just made a horrible, tragic mistake,” she said. “It was stupid, and it was horrible, and we should have never done it. But it’s done and now I’ve lost my husband. And my whole life was my husband.”

“We didn’t think it would kill us,” she added. “We thought if anything it would help us ‘cus that’s what we’ve been hearing on the news.”

Unfortunately, Gary died, so we will leave it here.

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