Cruz warns a Justice must be appointed BEFORE Election Day


Senator Ted Cruz appeared on Hannity Friday night and warned that President Trump must nominate a successor to Ruth Bader Ginsburg immediately. He stated emphatically that the nominee must be confirmed before election day.

It is possible. McConnell said he needs two months to appoint a Justice. We don’t have two months. However, Justice Stevens was nominated and confirmed in 17 days. Justice Sandra Day O’Connor was confirmed in 33 days. We have the time.

Cruz thinks Democrats should agree but we shouldn’t hold our breath for that. They will delay.

Democrats and Joe Biden have made it clear they will fight the legitimacy of this election. Hillary Clinton said Biden must not accept the election results.

Cruz pointed out the devastating impact on American society should there be a 4-4 court during what will certainly be a contested election.

“I believe that the president should next week, nominate a successor to the court. And I think it is critical that the Senate takes up and confirms that successor before election day,” said Cruz. “There’s going to be enormous pressure from the media, there’s going to be enormous pressure from Democrats to delay filling this vacancy, but this election, this nomination is why Donald Trump was elected.”

Go to 3:20 below:

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