We are facing serious problems in the Middle East under a Biden administration. Israel and Jews will go back to the Obama days, and that isn’t a good thing.
Joe Biden isn’t smart enough, strong enough, or moral enough to fight the communists. In fact, he picked one as his running mate.
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Donald Trump has brilliantly redrawn the lines of power in the Middle East by signing peace deals with nations other than so-called Palestine, isolating Iran, a terror nation.
He has made the world safer.
U.S. communist Democrats don’t like Israel, but they do love their terrorists. Biden is calling the advances President Trump made “impulsive Middle East policies.”
Yahoo writes:
Contrary to Donald Trump’s impulsive policies in the Middle East, Joe Biden is expected to shift back to a more conventional US stance and re-engage with Iran, redrawing regional geopolitics.
In his term in power, Trump’s unconventional strategy produced a head-spinning sequence of signature achievements, risky moves, and failed initiatives that have transformed the Middle East’s political landscape.
The US withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran and assassinated its once-untouchable General Qasem Soleimani.
Soleimani was murdering our soldiers!!!
Will he send cash on gold on palettes to Iran?
We are facing serious, dangerous times under the fool, Joe Biden and his communist handlers.