Day 1: Trump Will “Stop the Transgender Lunacy”


On Day 1, Donald Trump will “stop the child gender lunacy.” The child mutilations will stop, men will be kept out of women’s sports, and transgenderism will be out of the military and schools.

He’s liable to get carpel tunnel from all the executive orders he will sign on Day 1.


Since John Fetterman recovered from his stroke, he has became the most rational Democrat we’ve heard from in years. Sen. Fetterman said Donald Trump is trying to protect the American way of life.

The Pennsylvania senator has publicly acknowledged Donald Trump’s political talent and dismissed the labeling of Trump as a fascist. He highlighted that many Democrats in his state, whom he knows personally, voted for Trump, suggesting a complex political landscape within his constituency. Fetterman also expressed that he is not rooting against Trump, indicating a willingness to work across party lines.


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