Dem Rep. Maloney to US Peasants, Let Them Eat Chef Boyardee!


Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney is a bigger tool than we thought. He’s a modern-day Marie Antoinette, except instead of cake, he wants the peasants to eat Chef Boyardee. Nothing against Chef Boyardee, but we have to eat canned lasagna to curb inflation because they’re busy destroying our economy?

Chef Boyardee

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman Sean Patrick Maloney recalled eating Chef Boyardee as a child when prices were rising. “That’s what families have to do” when times are hard, Maloney said.

The problem is Democrats are making it unnecessarily hard and take no responsibility for it. Nor do they do anything to correct the mistakes they made.

“Yeah, well, I grew up in a family where, you know, if the gas price went up, the food budget went down,” Maloney responded.

“So by this time of the week, we’d be eating Chef Boyardee if that budget wasn’t gonna change. So that’s what families have to do, here’s what we should do.”

Maloney is not only arrogant, but he’s also dishonest about Social Security and Medicare. No one is threatening Social Security. Republicans are coming up with different proposals to save it, and everyone would vote. Democrats are lying because they’re desperate. He has also fully supported open borders.

He can go back to eating Chef Boyardee when he loses and is out of a job.

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