Dem Sen who calls Trump Hitler, praises Xi, has $$$ invested in Communist China


Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) said last week that blaming the Chinese Communist Party for the coronavirus is red-baiting. He made his comments while calling President Trump, Hitler.

It is important for people to know that Baucus is financially tied to China and has been enriched by them. He’s their puppet, eagerly spreading Chinese propaganda.


“The administration rhetoric is so strong against China. It’s over the top. We’re entering a kind of era which is similar to Joe McCarthy back when he was red-baiting the State Department and attacking communism, a little bit like Hitler in the ’30s,” Baucus told CNN’s Hala Gorani.

“A lot of people knew what was going on was wrong but they didn’t stand up and say anything about it. They felt intimidated. And now, in the United States, if anyone says anything reasonable, her or she feels intimidated, afraid his head is going to be chopped off. And back in the ’30s in Germany, it was very similar. People who were responsible in the U.S. and especially responsible in Germany couldn’t speak up and some of that is happening now.”

“It’s happening now, in part because the Republican administration, Donald Trump, realizes that the economy is not doing well, probably because of the coronavirus, and they, therefore, have to pivot,” he said with a smile. “They have to blame somebody and they’re blaming China and it’s going to be very difficult to get back on track after the election, whoever’s elected.”

Even the CNN host was a bit shocked by Baucus’ comments, which led her to ask him if he meant what he said or if he was merely trying to “be provocative.”

“I think we’re moving in that direction,” he said, adding that he believes that the United States is taking steps to become like Hitler’s Germany.

“There are a lot of very responsible people in America who know that this China-bashing is irresponsible and we’re gonna pay a price the more it continues,” the senator said.

China is responsible for coronavirus spreading. Of that, there is no doubt. Even the AP admitted it.



Senator Baucus has extensive business ties in China. He is the former ambassador to China under Obama and he made the most of his time there. He is bought and paid for.

“Baucus has leaned on his government work with China. The University of Montana’s Baucus Institute sponsors the school’s study abroad program in China, which is focused on understanding the Chinese business environment. Baucus Group LLC, the consulting group the former senator founded after he was removed from his ambassadorship in 2017, “provides consulting services to American and Chinese businesses,” according to his official biography,” free beacon writes.

“Baucus also now sits on the board of advisers for the Alibaba Group, one of the largest tech companies in China. He is on the board of directors for Ingram Micro, which was purchased by a Chinese company for $6 billion in 2016.”

“HNA Group, the company that purchased it, is now on the verge of being taken over by the Chinese government due to economic problems caused by the coronavirus, which would effectively make Ingram Micro a state-owned enterprise. Ingram Micro insists that it operates as a “separate standalone company” and will continue to operate that way.”

Baucus is a disgrace.

China IS responsible for the virus spreading throughout the world. That is just a fact. We now know the Chinese Communist Party deliberately hid the fact that the virus was highly contagious, perhaps for six weeks.

Baucus extolled China’s response to the virus after they let it spread throughout the world. He takes his “hat off to them” for the wonderful job they did.

Oh sure, Max, great job, them and WHO.

He’s a liar.


Democrats, who are themselves exposing their very far-left tyrannical side of late, regularly compare President Trump to Adolf Hitler and Republicans to Nazis. They would more accurately fill the bill and their propaganda machine would make Joseph Goebbels blush.

The corruption in the government is mind-blowing.

Baucus is a sewer rat who feeds off Chinese benefactors. He’s a whore if not a traitor.


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