Democrats’ Dirtiest Trick Yet Is Affecting the Polls


The New York Times/Siena poll may or may not be the most accurate, however, the Trump campaign better start taking the numbers seriously.

It’s difficult to take a massive machine like a campaign and change tactics, but they must. They should have been prepared since it happened before.

Democrats pulled a switcheroo and probably had it planned, at least since the last debate. Biden’s handlers had to know he’d destroy himself during the debate.

Rob Schmitt addressed it last night:

Do not think this is a hit piece, or Sentinel is any less pro-Trump for pointing the bad polls out. This is the knowledge that people need.

The RealClearPolitics polls have pro-conservative Rasmussen and more neutral CNBC showing Trump in the lead. That is good, but that isn’t the norm.

This new poll shows Harris extending her lead, and it is beyond the honeymoon period. She has 24/7 in-kind donations from the media covering for her, the good ole boy communist from Minnesota.

She has money from East and West coat billionaires that the GOP can’t possibly compete with, and the campaign hasn’t switched over to the new candidates.

Forget Biden. This election is about two authoritarians who promote pathways to citizenship for anonymous unvetted foreigners who came in illegally, support ending the entire energy sector except for wind, solar, and batteries, and who think spending without end is the way to go.

The campaign needs to focus on that and is not doing enough. Also, Trump must forget about 2020. He must go after policy and issues. He may be correct when he says Kamala is stupid and Walz is whatever, but people mostly need to be afraid of their agenda.

Harris-Walz are lying through their teeth. Trump’s campaign needs to combat that.

Kamala is not answering questions or telling us her agenda, and no one is challenging her. She is running her campaign from the basement and offering nothing of substance. Harris could win like that. Biden did it.

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