Democrats’ “New Americans” Are Bringing IEDs with Them


The United States-Mexico border is under the control of terrorist cartels; some are tied to foreign terrorists. Unsurprisingly, the border violence is beginning to look like Iraq’s.

The Mexican military has recovered at least ten improvised explosive devices at the border this week, according to Fox Business.

The devices in question were recovered in the area of Pima County, Arizona.

Mexican authorities found the IEDs after Tucson border patrol observed gunshots at the U.S.-Mexico border, and a Tucson supervisory border patrol agent arrested an armed person on the U.S. side who had a loaded AK-47 rifle, two loaded AK magazines, loose rounds, and a handgun.

CBP is warning its agents to “exercise extreme caution.

This is what an IED [Improvised Explosive Device] explosion looks like:

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