The Left is infuriated and hurling hate-filled tweets because Kaitlyn Collins is interviewing Donald Trump at a CNN town hall next week. BoycottCNN is trending now on Twitter. The one thing these Twitter users all share is they have few followers. They might not be bots, but they are trolls, possibly sent by one of the far-left websites.
A few of the comments:
Kaitlin Collins is a protege of Tucker and she worked at his far right hate site Daily Caller before the morons at CNN hired her.
Kaitlin Collins will be a perfect host for trump. I find her vapid, insincere and shallow. Bring back Berman
#BoycottCNN Kaitlin Collins So CNN is hosting a townhall for Trump …. Will Kaitlin Collins ask him why he didn’t attend his rape trial and skittered off to Scotland?
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Not a chance; Kaitlin Collins, a CNN starlet, will predictably fawn over the Donald as he unnaturally gestures, interrupts, pouts, yells, insults, and lies his head off. Been there; done that.
@CNN don’t care if trumps a rapist, a criminal that organized a coup against democracy, a Russian asset,,,,,@CNN is now another fox. Kaitlin Collins, is our new Laura Ingram. BOYCOTT
In normal circumstances, Kaitlin Collins is a good reporter but there is NO ONE who can control the demented gas bag that is Trump. I will not be watching CNN, ever again.
All the hate comes from the Left.
The Left demands Donald Trump, a presidential candidate, not be allowed to speak. That’s not surprising. They won’t let Democrat Robert Kennedy Jr. speak freely, either. They really hate free speech.
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